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Office Gameplays

Shot 4 Shot - 3 Putt Challenge Explained

The 3 Putt Challenge is a simple yet engaging way to add a competitive edge to your office putting competitions, encouraging friendly rivalry and team collaboration. Here’s how to set it up and make the most of the game:

Step 1: Team Setup

  • Divide your players into teams, and get creative with team names! Whether you go for something fun or clever, this adds an extra element of excitement.
    Team Name Examples:
    • The Untouchables
    • Dynamic Duo
    • Awesome Foursome

Step 2: Set Up the Shot 4 Shot Mat

  • Roll out the Shot 4 Shot Putting Mat, and assemble into teams.
  • Place the Roll Back Bar under the mat at the end so the balls roll back automatically for a continuous play.

Step 3: Select the Tee Zone

  • Choose the TEE ZONE (starting points) from where everyone will putt. This could be the same for each player or different to add variety to the challenge.

Step 4: Practice

  • Allow players to take a few practice shots to get the feel for the game. This step helps them warm up and get comfortable with the putting experience.

Step 5: Start the Game

  • Once everyone is ready, start the 3 Putt Challenge! Each player has three attempts to putt, and the goal is to complete the course with the fewest putts. Keep score, track the shots, and keep the competition fun.

Putt18 Office Golf Game Play

Transform your office into a competitive putting arena with the Putt18 Office Golf Game. Here’s how to organize the perfect game that’s sure to bring excitement and camaraderie to your workplace:

Step 1: Arrange Teams

  • Organize your workplace into teams of up to 4 players per team. Make sure each team is balanced, with everyone having an equal chance to win.
  • Appoint a Team Captain for each group. The captain is responsible for deciding the order of play within their team and of has the final decision on deciding on the Team Name.

Step 2: Keep Track of Scores

  • Each player keeps their own score, which will be added up at the end of the competition. The team with the lowest combined score wins. You can even use a spreadsheet and create an internal leaderboard.
    Note: If teams are uneven, the team with the lowest average score wins. This ensures fairness even if there are slightly different team sizes.

Step 3: Best Putter Title

  • The player with the lowest individual score earns the prestigious title of Best Putter in the Office and enjoys bragging rights until the next competition.
  • If two or more players tie for the lowest score, a playoff will determine the ultimate winner. Be sure to consult the rules for the playoff guidelines.

Step 4: Extra Prizes for Special Achievements

  • Make the game even more exciting by awarding prizes for special achievements. Consider giving awards for players who score the most eagles or most birdies during the game. These categories add an additional competitive edge and give more players a chance to win.

Step 5: Print More Scorecards

  • If you need extra scorecards for more players or future competitions, simply head to the Players Corner Page and print more as needed.

CLICK HERE for more information and to print your scorecards

By following these simple steps, both the Shot 4 Shot 3 Putt Challenge and the Putt18 Office Golf Game will provide your office with fun, friendly competition and team-building opportunities. With these easy-to-follow setups, everyone can join in the fun—no matter their skill level! Get ready to bring a new level of excitement and engagement to your workplace.