Putt18 App
Putt18 Scoring App Overview
We’re excited to introduce the Putt18 Scoring App for the Putt18 Putting Mat Game. This app lets the Putt18 community play and score games on their mobile devices, with features like 9 or 18 Hole Strokeplay, Automatic/Manual Scoring, Single or Team Players, Countback System, Wild Cards, Animations, and a Global Ranking System.
The Putt18 Scoring App is FREE to download.
Who Can Use the App?
Anyone can download the Putt18 Scoring App. However, only Premium Members (those who’ve purchased a Putt18 Putting Mat) can create games using the app. Non-premium members can join games created by Premium Members. Premium Members and Non Premium Members can view real-time scores, track past matches, and receive notifications for local events. Your Premium Order ID is contained with your rules and scorecards in your welcome letter. See below.
You can also invite players to play Putt18 and score and share the games you create via your mobile device in real-time with other players. You will gain a global ranking be able to view past and active matches and receive notifications of upcoming Putt18 local events.
If you have downloaded the Putt18 App and have registered as a player then you can be included in any game as a registered Putt18 Player. You will have the ability to play in a game that has been created by a Premium Member. You will then be able to view your scores on your mobile device in real-time. You will be able to view past and active matches and receive notifications of upcoming Putt18 invenue events. Please note: You will need to be invited by a Premium Member to obtain a score with the Putt18 App in you have not purchased a Putt18 Mat.
GENERAL RULES: Each player or team putts to the 3 holes 3 times to play nine holes or 6 times play 18 holes. Each player or team plays three holes and then the next player plays three holes and so on until 9 or 18 holes are completed. The winner is the person or team with the lowest score or lowest average team score.
STARTING POINTS: The starting points are defined by 6 rectangular blocks. To start place a ball at the 1-3 hole block and commence putting. Players can position the ball anywhere in this area as long as part of the ball touching the matting is not outside the area. You will putt 3 balls from this spot. Your first putt will be at the hole Par 4, your next putt will be at the Par 5 and the next will be at the Par 3. Move to the next block 4-6 and so on. A player or team ball must be placed within the starting blocks before they putt. Should a player or team place their ball in front of or outside the rectangular starting blocks and putt, then the putt must be replayed and the player or team shall incur a One Shot Penalty or Loss of Hole in Match Play.
SCORING: Balls coming to rest within the following areas score the following points:
- Blue circle you have scored a Par. This could be a 4, 5 or 3 depending on the hole being played.
- Red circle you have scored a Birdie or -1. You will need to -1 from Par hole you are playing
- White circle you have scored an Eagle or -2. You will need to -2 from Par hole you are playing
- Anywhere on the Green matting you have scored a Bogey or +1. You will need to +1 to the Par hole you are playing.
- In a Bunker you have scored a Double Bogey or +2. You will need to +1 to the Par hole you are playing.
- In a Water Hazard you have scored a Triple Bogey or +3
- Putting off the matting surface will score a Triple Bogey or + 3
If a player or team putting on any hole manages to bring the ball to rest in either of the two holes not in play, then that shot shall be deemed as a Bogey or +1 for that hole. The order on the score card is Par 4, Par 5 then Par 3. Wherever the ball comes to rest that is the score for that hole. The hole order is always the same when playing and always moves in a clockwise direction. No Two Putts Are Ever The Same.
You will have a scoring screen which allows you the ability to enter the value where the ball comes to rest. Simply tap the hole you are scoring and the scoring screen will appear. Then just enter the score. Don’t worry if you make a mistake you can use the Edit button on the top right hand side to change your score. Don’t forget to press save after making the edit. The cursor will move to the next hole or player.
Scoring Screen
WILD CARDS: Wild Cards are a unique feature of Putt18 and can definitely increase the intensity of each game. Players are given 3 Wild Cards to use throughout each match. The Wild Cards add a strategic element to Putt18 Each Wild Card can only be used once during a 9 or 18 hole round. Wild Cards cannot be used in a Play Off. The Wild Cards are located below the Scorecard and will be shaded once they have been used.
Wild Card Display
MULLIGAN: A Mulligan is where a player or team can cancel their putt and replay that putt. The original putt does not count and is removed without registering a score. The player or team must then re-putt their ball again. Each player is allowed 1 x Mulligan per match. A Mulligan is represented on the screen in the Putt18 App just below the player details. The Mulligan Wild Card is selected after the hole has been played.
BONUS: To use a Bonus Hole Wild Card a player or team must nominate the hole before they play the hole. The original putt is automatically reduced by one shot. Each player is allowed 1 x Mulligan per match. A Bonus is represented on the screen in the Putt18 App just below the player details. The Bonus Wild Card must be selected before the hole has been played.
CHALLENGES: A Challenge is where a player or team can cancel a putt and have that player replay that putt. The original putt does not count and is removed without registering a score. The player or team must then re-putt their ball again. A Challenge is represented on the screen in the PUTT18 Home App. The Challenge Wild Card is selected after the hole has been played. Please note: A Challenge Wild Card cannot be used by yourself on your score. You must allow at least 5 to 10 seconds for all other players to Challenge your putt before you proceed to your next Putt. After this time the Putt cannot be challenged.
ANIMATIONS: We've created several animations that we thought might add some extra appeal to the game. The animations are for -2, -1 +2 and +3 only. They can be turned off during the game individually from your device should you wish.
LINE BALL: If the ball comes to rest and it is determined that the ball is on the line, then the player or team has the option to replay the putt or take the higher score. An independent review is preferred. If no independent review is available then majority rule applies. Honesty should prevail.
PENALTIES: After having your turn, the balls must be removed from the putting surface allowing the next player or team to putt without obstruction. Golf balls must be removed from the putting surface before the next player or team can putt. Interfering with the putting surface while a player or team is putting will result in a One Shot Penalty Or Loss Of Hole In Match Play.
PUTT18 COUNT BACK AND PLAYOFFS: A Count Back is a way to separate tied players after the conclusion of a competition. The Putt18 App automatically calculates the winner using a count back algorithm. It does not involve playing any more holes. The Putt18 count back is used to determine the winner for both 9 or 18-hole events. The winner will be displayed as Wins on a Count Back (CB)
18 Hole Team Scorecard
The Putt18 Player ranking system has been created so players can compare their scoring with other Putt18 players globally. The Putt18 Global ranking system is searchable via country and also via state or county. It will indicate whether your position is on the way up or down by an green or red arrow. Putt18 Player Ranking are calculated on a players average score per 18 holes. Example: A player scores round of 4 over and a round of 6 over. Their average will be 5 over. The Leader board will display the numbers of matches played, your lowest score and your average score. Your average score will determine your ranking. There is an arrow that depicts whether your average is increasing or decreasing. A green arrow reflects your average is getting lower in the rankings and a red arrow depicts that average is getting higher in the rankings. Please note: 9 hole games are not included in the ranking system.

COPYRIGHT: This document is protected by copyright laws and contains material proprietary to the Putting Professional Pty Ltd. It or any components may not be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast or otherwise exploited in any manner without the express prior written permission of Putting Professional Pty Ltd. The receipt or possession of this document does not convey any rights to reproduce, disclose, or distribute its contents, or to manufacture, use, or sell anything that it may describe, in whole or in part.
Putt18 is a registered trademark of Putting Professional Pty Ltd.